<web skills=”full-stack” />
1.Web Planning
Website, Web Apps & Mobile Apps Planning – Project Management
2.Coding & Programming
Front-End Foundation:
HTML, CSS, RWD, JavaScript, Web Components, Web APIs
Back-End & DATA:
JS (NodeJS, ExpressJS), Ruby, PHP, Python
MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, JSON, XML, YAML
3.Web Apps Development
Front-End Third-Party Packages:
Sass, Bootstrap CSS, Tailwind, MUI, Semantic UI
JS Libraries, TypeScript, jQuery (incl. jQuery UI), React (incl. React Router, React Redux, Next JS, Remix JS), Angular, Vue
Web Apps:
JS, jQuery, React, Angular & Vue Apps
MERN, MEAN, MEVN, Ruby on Rails, React on Rails, Django Apps
MVC, MPA, SPA, AJAX Apps (Fetch, jQuery & Axios Ajax), PWA
Tunning & Testing:
A11y, JavaScript Unit Testing, Cypress, RSpec
4.Mobile Apps Development
React Native, Ionic framework, Kotlin
<? “wordpress_skills”; ?>
WP Core:
including install-process & fixing server errors*, page templates, post formats, custom post types, custom fields
WP Plugins:
applying third-party & custom plug-ins development
WP Themes:
classic & child themes development, Gutenberg ready, RWD
WP Database:
working with MySQL & MariaDB database engines
WP Frameworks & Page Builders:
Genesis Framework: hooks, code snippets, child themes, custom plug-ins
Genesis Blocks, GeneratePress, WPBakery, Elementor WP-building
WP Apps:
JS, JS Libraries, jQuery, React JS and AJAX WP-extending
WP CMS, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, WP CRM
WP Multisite & Network
(*incl. former WP MU)
WP Labs & Testing:
React Integration: Frontity, WP REST API, WP+PostgreSQL
“Code is Poetry”
since march 2008 & WP v2.5 “Michael Brecker”